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Frequently Asked Questions

We have two running exchange programs: Erasmus+ and Mevlana.

These are funded exchange programs where students receive grants from the host university during their stay. Erasmus+ program for IUS students is available in 34 program countries while Mevlana is only available at partner universities in Turkey.

To participate in exchange programs (with or without an inter-institutional agreement) students, need to apply to International Relations Office (IRO).

The first condition of a funded mobility, is to see an open call for the partner institution.

If interested, fill in the Application Form for Outgoing Students (available on IRO website) and collect the signatures/approvals from the relevant departments (Finance Office, ELS, IRO). You send the completed Application form to as your official application.

Recognition of credits after your exchange semester is finalized by the Student Affairs Office, after the submission of the following documents:

Before Mobility part of the Learning Agreement (signed by both universities' coordinators and stamped by both universities' seals

During Mobility part of the Learning Agreement (if any course change has been made) (signed by both universities' coordinators and stamped by both universities' seals or an email message dated correctly which states that the program exchange coordinator approved the change(s) made during mobility.

After Mobility part of the Learning Agreement (prepared after your mobility)(signed by the student and the program exchange coordinator, IUS seal only - Your faculty's legal secretary will put the IUS seal on it)

Original transcript (bearing the wet signature and stamp of the host university)

Official translation of the transcript into Bosnian (must be done by a court-notarized translator) (translation can be done with a copy of the transcript)

Once these documents are all collected, they will be delivered to the Student Affairs Office by the IRO staff, and your courses will quickly be transferred.

IRO usually (but not necessarily) publishes calls 2 times a year: October-November (for spring semester), April-May-June (for fall semester) – the exact announcement period is conditioned by the information received from the partner universities.

The selection of the candidates is done by the Selection Committee based on the ranking lists. The Committee is made up of at least three members and may include an IRO staff member, a program exchange coordinator, a program coordinator, a dean, a vice-rector or the rector. CGPA (50%), English Language proficiency result (20%), previous Erasmus experience (10%), contribution to the University (10%), extra-curricular activities (5%), special needs (5%).


Hrasnička cesta br. 15, 71210 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Exchange programs:

International admission:

International admission:


+387 33 957 116

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International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
